19 October, 2007

How do you stretch a background image?

<! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">

< html>
< head>
< title>Background to fit screen</title>

<style type="text/css">

html {height:100%;}

body {height:100%; margin:0; padding:0;}

/* set the background image to full capacity of the viewing area */

#bg {position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%;}

/* places the content on top of the background image */

#content {position:relative; z-index:1;}

<!--[if IE 6]>
<style type="text/css">

/* some css fixes for IE browsers */
html {overflow-y:hidden;}
body {overflow-y:auto;}
#bg {position:absolute; z-index:-1;}
#content {position:static;}



<div id="bg"><img height="100%" alt="" src="yourimage.jpg" width="100%" /></div>
<div id="content"><p>Enter your content here.</p></div>

17 October, 2007

Div height problem in IE

The following, as the only content in a file, is the requested 5px high in Mozilla and Opera, but 12px high in IE (5.0, 6.0 & 7.o):

<div class="dot" style="height:1px; border:1px solid red;"></div>

Divs in IE have a minimum height when the <div> is empty. There is a couple of ways to solve this:
1) Put a comment tag inside the div:
<div class="dot" style="height:1px; border:1px solid red;"><!-- --></div>

2) Add this to its style inside the div:
<div class="dot" style="font-size:2px; height:2px; border:1px solid red;"></div>

08 September, 2007

2008 财政预算案(The Economic Report 2008)

Total of RM168.8bil has been allocated under The Economic Budget 2008, it is increase of 2.5% over 2007.

教育 (Education)

公司税务 (Companies)
●中小企业首两年不必呈报预估所得税及分期缴税。只需在结账后7 个月内,一次过缴税。

个人 (Private)

金融 (Finance)

产业 (Housing/Properties)

社会、治安 (Public Safety)

农业 (Farm)

科技 (Technology)


02 September, 2007

How to speed up my Window XP (1) - Indexing.

Windows XP keeps a record of all files on the hard disk so when you do a search on the hard drive it is faster. There is a downside to this and because the computer has to index all files, it will slow down normal file commands like open, close, etc.
If you do not do a whole lot of searches on your hard drive then I suggest turnning this feature off:
1. Control Panel
2. Administrative Tools
3. Services
4. Disable Indexing Services

01 September, 2007

How to change logo at the top right corner of Internet Exploer (IE)

1. Click Start > Run > Type gpedit.msc

2. Click User Configuration > Windows Setting > Internet Explorer Maintenance > Browser User erface

3. Double click on Custom Logo

4. Click on Customize The Static Logo Bitmaps

5. Click on [Browse...]

6. Browser for your new Logo, click [OK].

7. An error will popup "You have selected to customize a setting but provided no value. The behavior of this will be to delete the setting. Are you sure you want too continue?"

8. Click [Yes].

Note: The Logo have to be (22X22) Small and (38X38) Large and have to be bitmap(.bmp).