
Javascript: location.href problem in FireFox

The location.href is working fine in IE(Internet Explorer), but not in FireFox or Safari. 
There are few solutions:
  1. Use location.replace('http://www.theURL.com')
    The replace method loads the specified URL over the current history entry, it meant after the replace method is used, the user cannot navigate to the previous URL by using browser's Back button.

  2. Use window.location='http://www.theURL.com'; return false;
    It will allow you to navigate to the previous URL by using browser's Back button.
         <td onclick="window.location='http://www.theURL.com'; return false;"                     style="cursor: pointer;">

  3. Use location.href='http://www.theURL.com';
    Another solution provided by reader (updated 10/08/2009):


Cache Folder Thumbnails

In WinXP to make folders with thumbnail images start up faster, go to control panel and then folder options. Click on the view tab and make sure "Do not cache thumbnails" is not checked.

Control Panel > Folder Options On the View tab, check Do not cache thumbnails. You will have to delete the thumbs.db files that already exist (Use the Search feature).

    1. Click the Start button
    2. Select Control Panel
    3. Select Folder Options
    4. Click the View tab
    5. Check "Do not cache thumbnails"
    6. Click the OK button


Some files cannot be deleted?

1) Go to Start button > Run.. >type cmd into the text box.
Start button > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt

2) Go to the file's directory by using cd , type : del thefilename.avi/s


06 - How to backup Macromedia Dreamweaver Sites?

To back up Macromedia Dreamweaver Sites:
You have a way to backup all the sites thru Registry with simple steps:
1. Go to regedit. Click here to more detail.
2. Follow the structure nodes : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 6\Sites
(p/s: My Dreamweaver version is 6.0)

3. Right click the "Sites" node select "Export", then save the registry file
(eg: Dreamweaver26-03-2007.reg).

There is no "Export" selection for Win2K, you can go to the Windows tool bar > Registry > Export Registry File...

4. When you want to restore abck the Sites, you just need to double click it(eg: Dreamweaver26-03-2007.reg).


學識講廣東話 10 - 攫奪 == 霍奪


霍, 矍

呢排攫奪案件猖獗...搞到人心惶惶,怨氣沖天, 令人髮指...

例子: 攫取,攫奪。

P/S: 霍: 霍元甲。 矍: 精神矍鑠(音:zing1 san4 fok3 soek3), 精神奕奕之意。


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