How to make DIV layer overlap a Flash movie?
2. Add the wmode="transparent" parameter to the EMBED tag, for FF & Safari.
<object width="100" height="100">
<param name="movie" value="http://www.lavatica.com/test.swf">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
<embed src="http://www.lavatica.com/test.swf" wmode="transparent" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100" height="100"></embed>
p/s: tested in IE 6&7, Safari, Opera 9, FF 2.
align="absmiddle" or align="absbottom" not validate in W3C Markup Validator
Normally we will use align="absmiddle" to make an image align in the middle between a HTML element/object, e.g:
< input name="text1" type="text" maxlength="17">< src="button_ok.gif'" alt="OK" style="margin-bottom:1px;" align="absmiddle">
<img src="images/icon_diamond.gif" alt="" align="absbottom">
You will get error when you try to validate your page with W3C Markup Validator (http://validator.w3.org/check).
How to solve?
Use this:
<img src="images/icon_diamond.gif" alt="" style="vertical-align:bottom">
Same to:
<img src="images/icon_diamond.gif" alt="" style="vertical-align:middle">
How do you stretch a background image?
< html>
< head>
< title>Background to fit screen</title>
<style type="text/css">
html {height:100%;}
body {height:100%; margin:0; padding:0;}
/* set the background image to full capacity of the viewing area */
#bg {position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%;}
/* places the content on top of the background image */
#content {position:relative; z-index:1;}
<!--[if IE 6]>
<style type="text/css">
/* some css fixes for IE browsers */
html {overflow-y:hidden;}
body {overflow-y:auto;}
#bg {position:absolute; z-index:-1;}
#content {position:static;}
<div id="bg"><img height="100%" alt="" src="yourimage.jpg" width="100%" /></div>
<div id="content"><p>Enter your content here.</p></div>
Div height problem in IE
<div class="dot" style="height:1px; border:1px solid red;"></div>
Divs in IE have a minimum height when the <div> is empty. There is a couple of ways to solve this:
1) Put a comment tag inside the div:
<div class="dot" style="height:1px; border:1px solid red;"><!-- --></div>
2) Add this to its style inside the div:
<div class="dot" style="font-size:2px; height:2px; border:1px solid red;"></div>
2008 财政预算案(The Economic Report 2008)
教育 (Education)
公司税务 (Companies)
●中小企业首两年不必呈报预估所得税及分期缴税。只需在结账后7 个月内,一次过缴税。
个人 (Private)
金融 (Finance)
产业 (Housing/Properties)
社会、治安 (Public Safety)
农业 (Farm)
科技 (Technology)
How to speed up my Window XP (1) - Indexing.
If you do not do a whole lot of searches on your hard drive then I suggest turnning this feature off:
1. Control Panel
2. Administrative Tools
3. Services
4. Disable Indexing Services
How to change logo at the top right corner of Internet Exploer (IE)
1. Click Start > Run > Type gpedit.msc
2. Click User Configuration > Windows Setting > Internet Explorer Maintenance > Browser User erface
3. Double click on Custom Logo
4. Click on Customize The Static Logo Bitmaps
5. Click on [Browse...]
6. Browser for your new Logo, click [OK].
7. An error will popup "You have selected to customize a setting but provided no value. The behavior of this will be to delete the setting. Are you sure you want too continue?"
8. Click [Yes].
Note: The Logo have to be (22X22) Small and (38X38) Large and have to be bitmap(.bmp).
Javascript: location.href problem in FireFox
- Use location.replace('http://www.theURL.com')
The replace method loads the specified URL over the current history entry, it meant after the replace method is used, the user cannot navigate to the previous URL by using browser's Back button. - Use window.location='http://www.theURL.com'; return false;
It will allow you to navigate to the previous URL by using browser's Back button.
<td onclick="window.location='http://www.theURL.com'; return false;" style="cursor: pointer;">
</tr> - Use location.href='http://www.theURL.com';
Another solution provided by reader (updated 10/08/2009):
Cache Folder Thumbnails
In WinXP to make folders with thumbnail images start up faster, go to control panel and then folder options. Click on the view tab and make sure "Do not cache thumbnails" is not checked.
Control Panel > Folder Options On the View tab, check Do not cache thumbnails. You will have to delete the thumbs.db files that already exist (Use the Search feature).
1. Click the Start button
2. Select Control Panel
3. Select Folder Options
4. Click the View tab
5. Check "Do not cache thumbnails"
6. Click the OK button
06 - How to backup Macromedia Dreamweaver Sites?
You have a way to backup all the sites thru Registry with simple steps:
1. Go to regedit. Click here to more detail.
2. Follow the structure nodes : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 6\Sites
4. When you want to restore abck the Sites, you just need to double click it(eg: Dreamweaver26-03-2007.reg).
學識講廣東話 10 - 攫奪 == 霍奪
漢字 | 漢語拼音 | 廣東拼音 | 同音廣東字 |
攫 | jue2 | fok3 | 霍, 矍 |
呢排攫奪案件猖獗...搞到人心惶惶,怨氣沖天, 令人髮指...
例子: 攫取,攫奪。
P/S: 霍: 霍元甲。 矍: 精神矍鑠(音:zing1 san4 fok3 soek3), 精神奕奕之意。
“搜索” 點讀?
05 - How To Bypass the Recycle Bin when deleting files/folders
1. Right-click on the Recycle Bin and choose Properties.
2. On the Global tab, check the box that says, "Do not move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted"
p.s. : After you checked the box, this will permanently delete files directly every time you delete files.
1. Select the files/folders, and press the keyboard button "shift" and do not release the shift key, press the "delete" button at the same time.
p.s. : This method will delete files directly from your hard disk WHEN the Shift key is being pressed.
歇後語 05 - 老公撥扇, 老婆擔遮
老公撥扇 ─ ─ 淒涼(妻涼)。
老婆擔遮 ─ ─ 陰功(陰公)。
老公撥扇, 老婆擔遮; 兩個都係可憐嘅意思 。
老公向老婆(妻子)就很涼爽, 所以就取其諧音, “妻”涼==淒涼。
老婆擔遮,擔即係攞住/拿住, 遮即係雨傘,擔遮即係攞住把傘。老婆擔遮幫老公遮太陽,老公陰涼。乜嘢係“陰功”?唔係‘冬陰功’,原意係迷信嘅人認爲,當人在世時做咗好事,嚮陰間可以記功,叫做“陰功”,做咗壞事嘅就叫做“冇陰功”。依家“冇陰功”省略叫做‘陰功’,係‘無天理’,‘殘忍’嘅意思。
04 - Windows XP : How to speed up menu (Start button) display
- Start button > Run > Regedit. Click here to learn how to edit registry file.
- Look for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
- Select on the Desktop folder.
- Select MenuShowDelay from the list on the right panel.
- Right-click on it and select Modify.
- Change the value to a lower value (the smaller value means the faster Menu display response, changing this value to zero, and you will see the different).
- Reboot your computer.
學識講廣東話 09 - 鬼域 == 鬼閾
漢字 | 漢語拼音 | 廣東拼音 | 同音廣東字 |
域 | yu4 | wik6 | 棫, 閾 |
呢個字經常被讀錯為“或 waak6” 。 “或者”個“或”。
例子: 區域,地域,領域。
P/S: 閾限: 界限之意。
“攫奪” 點讀?
03 - Windows Xp : How to edit Registry file?
1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then press ENTER button.
p.s : if you have no confidence to edit registry file, please backup the registry file first.
歇後語 04 - 光棍佬教仔
光棍佬教仔 ─ ─ 便宜莫貪
02 - Outlook express : Delete mail from the server
To delete mail from the server after several days with Outlook Express:
- Select Tools > Accounts... from the menu in Outlook Express.
- Highlight the desired email account.
- Click Properties.
- Go to the Advanced tab.
- Make sure Leave a copy of messages on server is selected(checked).
- Now also check Remove from server after __ day(s).
- Specify how long you want messages to be kept at the server.
- Taking into account how much mail you normally get, something between 3 and 10 days is useful.
- Click OK.
- Click Close.
<Tested, Microsoft Outlook Express 6.0>
歇後語 03 - 黄皮樹了哥
黄皮樹了哥── 唔熟唔食。
學識講廣東話 08 - 餐券 == 餐勸
漢字 | 漢語拼音 | 廣東拼音 | 同音廣東字 |
券 | quan4 | hyun3/gyun3 | 勸, 綣, 絢 |
呢個字經常被讀錯為“卷 gyun2” 。 試卷,問卷。
例子: 債券,獎券。
P/S: 勸 = 勸告。
“鬼域” 個 “域” 字點讀?
01 - Unit 單位
單位 | 英文名稱 | 換算單位 | 換算至最小單位(Byte) | 中文名稱 |
1 Bit | Binary Digit | 最小的資料單位 | 位元 | |
1 Byte | Byte | = 8 Bit | 位元組 | |
1 KB | KiloByte | = 1,024 Byte | 千 | |
1 MB | MegaByte | = 1,024 KB | = 1,048,576 Byte | 百萬 |
1 GB | GigaByte | = 1,024 MB | = 1,073,741,824 Byte | 十億 |
1 TB | TeraByte | = 1,024 GB | = 1,099,511,627,776 Byte | 兆(T) 大小約為一家大型醫院的X光片容量 |
1 PB | PetaByte | = 1,024 TB | = 1,125,899,906,842,624 Byte | 千兆(P) 大小約為全美圖書館一半的總藏書量 |
1 EB | ExaByte | = 1,024 PB | = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 Byte | 百萬兆(E) 大小約為全球人類所講過的談話總量 |
1 ZB | ZettaByte | = 1,024 EB | = 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 Byte | 10^21(Z) 大小約為地球上沙灘的沙子總量 |
1 YB | YottaByte | = 1,024 ZB | = 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 Byte | 10^24(Y) 大小約為七千個人體內之微細胞的總合 |
* 還有 NonaByte (NB), DoggaByte(DB)。 |
學識講廣東話 07 - 地支 - “子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥”
漢字 | 漢語拼音 | 廣東拼音 | 同音廣東字 |
子 | zi3 | zi2 | 止, 姊, 指 |
丑 | chou3 | cau2 | 秋2, 瞅 |
寅 | yin2 | yan3/jan4 | 人, 仁 |
卯 | mao3 | maau5 | 牡 |
辰 | chen2 | san4 | 臣, 晨, 神 |
巳 | si4 | zi6 | 自, 字, 稚 |
午 | wu3 | ng5 | 五, 伍, 仵 |
未 | wei4 | mei6 | 味, 寐, 魅 |
申 | shen1 | san1 | 辛, 新, 身, 燊 |
酉 | you3 | yao2/jau5 | 友, 有, 誘 |
戌 | xu1 | su.et1/seot1 | 恤, 率, 摔, 蟀 |
亥 | hai4 | hoi6 | 害, 氦 |
從 | 至 | |
子時 | 23:00 | 00:59 |
丑時 | 01:00 | 02:59 |
寅時 | 03:00 | 04:59 |
卯時 | 05:00 | 06:59 |
辰時 | 07:00 | 08:59 |
巳時 | 09:00 | 10:59 |
午時 | 11:00 | 12:59 |
未時 | 13:00 | 14:59 |
申時 | 15:00 | 16:59 |
酉時 | 17:00 | 18:59 |
戌時 | 19:00 | 20:59 |
亥時 | 21:00 | 22:59 |
p/s: 丑=cau2; 炒=caau2 (個音長D)。
“餐券” 點讀?
學識講廣東話 06 - 天干 - “甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 己 庚 辛 壬 癸”
漢字 | 漢語拼音 | 廣東拼音 | 同音廣東字 |
甲 | jia3 | gaap3 | 夾,岬 |
乙 | yi3 | yüet3/jyut3 | 月 |
丙 | bing3 | bing2 | 炳, 秉 |
丁 | ding1 | ding1 | 叮 |
戊 | wu4 | mou3/mou6 | 務, 冒 |
己 | ji3 | gei2 | 紀, 幾 |
庚 | geng1 | gang1 | 羹,更 |
辛 | xin1 | san1 | 新,身 |
壬 | ren2 | yam3/jam4 | 吟,任 |
癸 | gui3 | gwai3 | 貴,桂 |
所謂干支,係天干、地支嘅合稱。天干有十干:甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸,地支有十二支:子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥。十同十二嘅最小公倍數係六十,所以配合天干地支,每隔六十年會重複一次。比如甲子年過了六十年,到第六十一年又係甲子年,故以“六十花甲子”或者“六十甲子”稱之為六十年,以“六十花甲”或者“花甲之年”稱六十歲。 干支,早在商代甲骨文裡經已出現咗。當時,人民將天干中嘅甲、乙、丙、丁、戊用來表示夜間嘅五個時段,稱之為甲夜、乙夜、丙夜、丁夜、戊夜。十二地支用來表示一晝夜嘅十二個時段,稱之為十二時辰。
地支-“子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥” 點讀?
歇後語 01 - 二打六
二打六 ─ ─ 未夠斤兩
“二打六”即係二加上六等於八,中國人以十為圓滿,“十全十美”、“斤兩十足”; 有話 “八”即唔夠一斤,一斤=十六兩,半斤=八兩。所以“二打六”係未夠班,唔夠資格!所以二打六係用0黎形容無關重要嘅角色及人物。p/s :響中國大陸用嘅係市斤,一斤係500公克, 響馬來西亞/台灣/香港用嘅是臺(台)斤,1斤係600公克。 但係有D地方都亂曬大籠, 同一個國家有唔同嘅秤法?!因爲有公制以及市用制之分。公制:一公斤係500公克,但係一般傳統市場依然沿用市用制(臺斤)。
***歇 = hit3,例如蠍子、
學識講廣東話 02 - 女==餒,男 == 南
漢字 | 漢語拼音 | 廣東拼音 | 同音廣東字 |
男 | nan2 | naam4 | 南, 喃, 楠 |
女 | nü3 | neoi5 | 餒,釹 |
p/s: 餒 ==> 氣餒, hei1 neoi2
‘男’呢個字經常被讀錯為“ 藍laam4 ”,應該是“n”聲母不是“l”聲母。
例子: 男人 == 南人。 男孩子== 南鞋子。
‘女’呢個字經常被讀錯為“ 呂leui2 ”,應該是“n”聲母不是“l”聲母。
例子: 女人 == 餒人。 英女王== 英餒王。
“緋聞” 點讀?
學識講廣東話 01 - 糾 == 九
漢字 | 漢語拼音 | 廣東拼音 | 同音廣東字 |
糾 | jiu1 | gau3 | 九 |
呢個字經常被讀錯為" 斗dau3 "。
例子: 糾纏 == 九前。 糾正== 九政。
"女人 ,男人" 點讀?