06 - How to backup Macromedia Dreamweaver Sites?
To back up Macromedia Dreamweaver Sites:
You have a way to backup all the sites thru Registry with simple steps:
1. Go to regedit. Click here to more detail.
2. Follow the structure nodes : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 6\Sites
You have a way to backup all the sites thru Registry with simple steps:
1. Go to regedit. Click here to more detail.
2. Follow the structure nodes : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 6\Sites
(eg: Dreamweaver26-03-2007.reg).
There is no "Export" selection for Win2K, you can go to the Windows tool bar > Registry > Export Registry File...
4. When you want to restore abck the Sites, you just need to double click it(eg: Dreamweaver26-03-2007.reg).
學識講廣東話 10 - 攫奪 == 霍奪
漢字 | 漢語拼音 | 廣東拼音 | 同音廣東字 |
攫 | jue2 | fok3 | 霍, 矍 |
呢排攫奪案件猖獗...搞到人心惶惶,怨氣沖天, 令人髮指...
例子: 攫取,攫奪。
P/S: 霍: 霍元甲。 矍: 精神矍鑠(音:zing1 san4 fok3 soek3), 精神奕奕之意。
“搜索” 點讀?
05 - How To Bypass the Recycle Bin when deleting files/folders
There are two ways to delete files/folders without sending them to Recycle Bin:
1. Right-click on the Recycle Bin and choose Properties.
2. On the Global tab, check the box that says, "Do not move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted"
p.s. : After you checked the box, this will permanently delete files directly every time you delete files.
1. Select the files/folders, and press the keyboard button "shift" and do not release the shift key, press the "delete" button at the same time.
p.s. : This method will delete files directly from your hard disk WHEN the Shift key is being pressed.
1. Right-click on the Recycle Bin and choose Properties.
2. On the Global tab, check the box that says, "Do not move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted"
p.s. : After you checked the box, this will permanently delete files directly every time you delete files.
1. Select the files/folders, and press the keyboard button "shift" and do not release the shift key, press the "delete" button at the same time.
p.s. : This method will delete files directly from your hard disk WHEN the Shift key is being pressed.
歇後語 05 - 老公撥扇, 老婆擔遮
老公撥扇 ─ ─ 淒涼(妻涼)。
老婆擔遮 ─ ─ 陰功(陰公)。
老公撥扇, 老婆擔遮; 兩個都係可憐嘅意思 。
老公向老婆(妻子)就很涼爽, 所以就取其諧音, “妻”涼==淒涼。
老婆擔遮,擔即係攞住/拿住, 遮即係雨傘,擔遮即係攞住把傘。老婆擔遮幫老公遮太陽,老公陰涼。乜嘢係“陰功”?唔係‘冬陰功’,原意係迷信嘅人認爲,當人在世時做咗好事,嚮陰間可以記功,叫做“陰功”,做咗壞事嘅就叫做“冇陰功”。依家“冇陰功”省略叫做‘陰功’,係‘無天理’,‘殘忍’嘅意思。
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